MHP Rules




MANAGEMENT APPROVAL: All prospective residents must complete a RENTAL APPLICATION. Management has the right to reject prospective residents based on criminal and credit background checks. If a resident provides false or misleading statements in the Rental Application, Management will not approve the residency.

RESIDENCY: Maximum occupancy within a manufactured home in the community shall be as follows: Two (2) persons per bedroom. Lot spaces are rented per ONE (1) family unit. No other persons, except as a registered guest with management, shall reside in any residence. All occupants of a lot must be registered, at all times, with the management office. This includes residents, children, relatives, significant others, and pets. The owner/Resident is responsible for notifying the management office, within three (3) days, of any changes in their marital status, address, phone number, intentions to sell mobile home, financing of mobile home, any new pets or changes in occupants.

GUESTS: Registered guests are permitted to stay in the home for no more than seven (7) consecutive calendar days or a total of thirty (30) calendar days in any twelve (12) month period without the advance written consent of Management. An application will be required for any guest staying beyond this period. Failure to comply will result in an Unauthorized Tenant notice.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMMUNITY RULES AND REGULATIONS: Prior to admission to this community, each Resident must read and acknowledge that he has read a copy of the Rules and Regulations as set forth herein and any amendments thereto. Residents agree that they, as well as other occupants residing in their home  and all guests, will abide by the Rules and Regulations and all commonwealth, county, and city/township laws and ordinances. Failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations or other laws may result in the termination of tenancy as provided by law.

ENFORCEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS: Every effort will be made by management to ensure that the Rules and Regulations are enforced and that the quiet enjoyment and comfort of all Residents is not disturbed. Ignorance of  a Rule or Regulation cannot be accepted as an excuse.

NOTICE OF RULE VIOLATION: Management will contact Residents who violate a rule or regulation either by a personal visit, a telephone call or issuance of a written warning. If a Violation Notice is issued, it is expected that the violation will be corrected by the date stated on the warning. Failure or refusal to correct a compliance with the Rules and Regulations is absolutely unacceptable. A fine will be imposed for all non compliance and/or is cause for termination of tenancy. Compliance is essential to provide you and your neighbor’s pleasant and peaceful surrounding.

NOTICE OF RULE VIOLATION: Management will notify Residents who violate a rule or regulation with a telephone call or written warning sent via personal service, US Mail, electronic, or text message delivery. If a Violation Notice is issued, it is expected that the violation will be corrected by the date stated on the warning. Failure or refusal to become compliant after the initial due date can result in fine(s) up to $100.00 per warning. Management will typically issue three (3) written warnings before issuing a breach of lease notice. However, the number of warnings before a breach of lease notice   is at Management’s sole discretion, depending on the severity of the violation. Compliance with all rules and regulations is essential to provide you and your neighbors with a pleasant and peaceful surrounding.

Maintaining your rental:

Smoking - There is NO SMOKING inside any of our units.
AC Filters - Ensure you are changing or cleaning your air filters monthly. 
Plumbing - Please refrain from putting items into your drain that will clog it.  If your drain is clogged, you are responsible for any charges to remove the clog.
Appliances - Overloading appliances like the washer & dryer can cause damage. Be conscientious and load appropriately.
Pest Control - Regularly vacuum, clean up garbage & debris as necessary to prevent against carpet bugs, ants, roaches and other infestations.
Light Bulbs - Replace your lightbulbs (including exterior) when they go out.
Cleaning Unit - Please maintain all interior and exterior areas, including lawn/grounds, of the leased premises in a clean and sanitary condition, free from debris, garbage and physical hazards.

Please remember that we will be conducting inspections of your units.  If we find any issues we will be repairing them accordingly.  We ask that you clean your air conditioning filters, keep your unit clean, and refrain from smoking.  If we receive a maintenance request and the technician finds that there is nothing wrong you will be billed for the call.

During an inspection if we find any issues we will be levying the fines below:

Dirty AC Filter - $25 per occurrence
Smoking Inside Unit - $100 per occurrence and cost to remove smoke smell
Unsanitary or Unclean Unit - $100 per occurrence and cost to clean

Please help us keep the units clean and sanitary.  We will be reaching out a few days before each inspection to give you ample time to make sure your unit is in good condition.

NO ANIMALS allowed on any property unless given explicit written approval by management except those defined under the ADA as Service Animals Guidelines.

PRIVATE UTILITIES: Payments of resident’s water and other utility charges from the previous month will be due, without demand, on the first day of each month. Utility charges will be billed with monthly rent charges. If necessary to maintain proper water pressure during summer months, Management reserves the right to limit the watering of lawns. Residents with home sites with odd number (1-3-5-7-9) may water their lawns on odd number calendar days; home sites with even numbers (2-4-6-8-0) may water on even numbered calendar days. Please do not leave the sprinklers on for an excessive period of time, as waste increases cost. AGAIN, IF THERE IS A BALANCE ON YOUR ACCOUNT, ALL MONIES RECEIVED FROM RESIDENTS WILL BE APPLIED TO THE OLDEST BALANCE FIRST.

EMERGENCIES: Please call the appropriate authorities in case of emergency. 911 is the universal number for an emergency response. It is vital that you first contact and receive assistance from the appropriate authorities that are trained and skilled to handle your emergency. You may also notify Management if  the emergency involves park business or property.

ANTENNA: In order to maintain an attractive community, Residents are strongly urged to rely on indoor broadcast antennas and cable broadcast or master centralized broadcast antennas, as opposed to installing outdoor reception devices. If an outdoor reception device (satellite dish, antenna, or other device) is reasonably necessary to receive an acceptable signal of reasonable quality it must not exceed one (1) meter (39 inches) in diameter and must be installed in a manner that complies with all applicable codes, city and state laws and regulations and manufacturer instruction. Outdoor reception devices and wires must be installed on Resident’s home or the ground of Resident’s home site in a location which is not visible from the street, or if such placement sufficiently impairs the quality of reception, it must be installed on the home or home site in the most inconspicuous location possible and must be attractively landscaped and shield from view to the greatest extent feasible. No reception device is to be placed so as to obstruct a driver’s view of any street, driveway, sidewalk or intersection, or may be installed on or encroach upon any common area. ALL OUTDOOR RECEPTION DEVICES MUST BE APPROVED BY MANAGEMENT IN WRITING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION.

CHECK VALVE: From time to time the water may be turned off in different sections of the community. In order to prevent your hot water heating element from burning out, it is your responsibility to install a check valve. Management will not be responsible for damage to water heaters.

MANUFACTURED HOME INSTALLATION STANDARDS: All manufactured homes brought into the community are to be installed in accordance with the rules and standards set forth in the general rules developed by the Manufactured Housing Standards Act and in accordance with the Manufacturer’s written instructions. In addition to the above, the community installation requirements and standards are as follows: Each manufactured home site shall be numbered and clearly marked for positive identification. Each number shall be easily readable from the street servicing the site.

Approved skirting is required and must completely enclose the space beneath the home. Skirting is to be properly ventilated. Access panels of sufficient size, are to be located in the utility hookup areas. Material and color are to match or attractively accent the exterior of your home and be specifically manufactured for the purpose used. Please check with Management for approved skirting materials. Residents shall skirt their home within thirty (30) days of its placement on the site. The area under the home is to be kept clean and no combustible material, debris, or any other storage is to be present.

Steps leading to the entry doors are to be enclosed with treated wood. Proper handrail(s) must be attached. Steps are to be maintained in a safe and attractive manner. Offside entry doors are not be used as primary entrance.

Prior to installing a porch, deck, awning or addition, the Resident must first obtain written approval of Management. All porches and decks must be constructed with treated wood and all exposed sides are to be enclosed. Proper handrails must be installed on all sides. Awnings and additions are to be constructed with approved materials. All are to be maintained in good condition.
Utility connections of electrical, water, sewer, and gas in the home are the sole responsibility of the Resident. All utility hookups shall be made in compliance with any manufacturer’s written instruction.

Central Air Conditioner Compressors must be placed on cement or other approved slab at the rear of the home site. All air conditioning units must be attractively maintained.

Hitches must be removed from the home upon installation and stored beneath the home.

Telephone and TV cable lines are to be buried under ground during installation by the appropriate company. Residents are responsible for confirming that this is done.

Residents shall be solely responsible for any damage to community property or residents’ property resulting from the installation of the manufactured home.

Fences may not be installed around or upon the home site without written approval from Management.

IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS: Residents shall make no alterations to the exterior of the manufactured home  or the leased site without first obtaining  the written permission of Management. Residents must provide Management with a sketch of the appearance or location of the proposed improvement or alteration (i.e. porch, deck, carport, shed, awnings, cement pad, or other home additions).

Resident is responsible for contacting utility companies to verify the location of any underground utilities. A sketch of the purposed alterations is to be marked clearly to accurately indicate the location of such buried utility lines.

Resident is responsible for obtaining required building permits. Residents who make improvements or alterations without first obtaining building permits and/or written approval of Management may be required, by Management, to remove the improvement or alterations, or Management may remove such improvements at Resident’s cost.

All improvements and alterations are to be performed by a licensed contractor unless the resident performs the improvements or alterations.

All improvements provided by resident, anchoring equipment, and utility hookups shall remain the property of the resident.

Residents may plant trees and shrubs for their home site, only after supplying Management with the details and obtaining written approval. Management reserves the right to reject certain species of trees or shrubs as unsuitable for planting on the home site.

HOME AND HOME SITE MAINTENANCE:  Residents shall maintain the home site in a clean attractive fashion at Resident’s own expense at all times. The lawn must be kept clean, with grass fertilized, watered, and weeded to maintain a well cared-for appearance. Each resident is responsible for planting grass or placing seed on their home site. Grass must be kept cut and properly trimmed and may not exceed 6 inches height in normal weather conditions (Management staff may use discretion in determining unreasonable/unsightly grass height). Leaves must either be mulched with a lawnmower or raked and disposed of in accordance with Community waste disposal procedures. Management may, after notice, perform site maintenance on the resident’s home site and bill the resident if it becomes necessary to maintain the appearance of the community.

All homes, improvements, and other personal property approved on the home site must be in good condition/repair. Broken windows are to be repaired immediately. No plastic is to be used for replacement. Only approved window treatments/blinds/shades may be placed in windows. There will be no foil/blankets/flags and/or advertisements from windows. Physical condition of window treatments/windows screens and doors must be kept in good condition/repair.

No towels, rugs, wearing apparel or other forms of laundry of any description may be hung outside the home. No clotheslines or lines of any kind are permitted unless Management has approved.
If Resident requires a storage shed it must match or attractively accent the manufactured home and be made of hardwood siding or vinyl and be placed on a concrete slab. If garage is present the shed must be located behind the garage.

The community is responsible for utility services to the meter or service connection located on the home site. The resident is responsible for the service from their home to the connection point on the home site. If however resident damages the utility service connection or lines then it is their responsibility to pay for the damages. Blockage in sewer lines due to excessive disposal of items such as grease, paper, and other items not recommended for sewer disposal that cause a backup is the responsibility of the resident to remedy.

Resident must contact management if there is a problem with any utility service provided. If management determines that it is the responsibility of the community to cure the problem then every effort will be made to correct the problem  in a timely manner. The community will not be responsible to pay for service calls or items purchased by resident.

Management reserves the right to demand replacement and/or repair of unsightly window/window treatments/doors/decks/sheds/home site and any other items that it deems unacceptable. Nothing shall be placed upon the outer windowsill or railings. Failure to maintain the physical condition or appearance of the home or home site or improvements is just cause for termination of tenancy.


GARAGE OR CARPORTS (APPLICABLE WHERE PROVIDED WITH THE LEASED SITE): General upkeep and maintenance of the garage (which includes caulking and painting) is the resident’s responsibility. The paint must match the two-tone exterior of the home. Resident must provide proper care and upkeep to the overhead door (i.e. lubricating the springs, roller, and all working parts). Garage door openers are permitted if installed properly (i.e. by professional installer), and the understanding that damages caused by the garage door opener is the responsibility of the resident.

SELLING OF MOBILE HOME: The right to occupy a home on the leased site is not unconditionally transferable with the sale or transfer of title to the manufactured home. To ensure that the purchaser (s) of your home, should you decide to sell it, will be permitted to keep and occupy the home on the leased site, the following criteria must be met:

One regulation real estate “For Sale” sign may be placed in the front window or in the front yard of the home, but only after an inspection by management and full repairs and corrections have been completed.

If a home is to remain on the leased site, the buyer must meet with the community management, apply for and be approved for residency PRIOR to the closing on the sale of the home. If the purchaser of a home occupies the home without first having obtained Management approval for residency, the purchaser will be deemed to be trespassing and may be evicted/banned from the community. The Lessee will remain responsible for all rent and other charges which may accrue, regardless of whether the resident continues to occupy the home. Your lease is for the rental of the lot, not for the home on the lot.

Any improvements, alterations or additions to the home and/or home site which are to remain on the home or home site following the onsite sale of the home, with the exception of concrete pads, must be sold and ownership transferred to  the purchaser upon the sale of the home. It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to have any anchoring system inspected by the licensed installer to ensure that they have been properly installed, attached and maintained.


REMOVAL OF HOME:  If a Resident intends to remove the home  upon the expiration of the lease, the Resident must, provide  Management  with written notice of intent to remove the home at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the monthly lease or sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the yearly lease. Removal of a home by Resident prior to the expiration of the lease term may result in the Resident’s continued liability for rent until expiration of the lease or until Management is   able to lease the home site, whichever occurs first. Forms for notifying Management of Resident’s intent to remove the home are available in the management office. All rents and all applicable charges due by the Resident to management must be paid in full prior to removal of the home from the lease site. Failure to provide a timely written notice will result in Resident’s continuing liability for payment of rent for a thirty (30) day or sixty (60) day period commencing with the date Management actually received written notice, then Resident shall remain liable for rent for a thirty (30) day period commencing with the date the home  is  actually removed from the community. Residents must use a mover that holds all applicable licenses and insurance required by the state Department of Housing and Community Affairs and must abide by all applicable laws, regulations or local ordinances.

The leased site must be left in a clean and neat condition. Any improvements for installations placed on the leased site including but not limited to decks, sheds, porches, tie-downs, anchoring, awnings, carport, etc., must be removed from leased site. These items do not become fixtures or property of the community. Only garages concrete slabs, piers, trees, and shrubs may remain on the site following the removal of a home.

Any expense incurred by Management in restoring the site to its original condition such as cost of removing items, including but not limited to, trash, sheds, anchoring systems, and tie-downs, will be charged to the resident.

Resident shall be solely responsible for any damage to community property or that of other residents resulting from the removal of the manufactured home from the community.

Management assumes no responsibility in the event that a dealer, bank or other secured party removes Resident’s manufactured home from the community.

STORAGE SHED: Resident is required to obtain written approval, as it pertains to materials and locations from Management before installing or altering the current structure in accordance to local, county or state building codes. Shed size may not exceed 12’ (feet) x 12’ (feet) and 11’ (feet) in height and Management must approve the size. Shed pads are  to be four (4) inch thick concrete or a treated wood system. Shed color is to match or attractively accent the manufactured home. Sheds are to be kept in good repair at all times. It’s the recommended that sheds be anchored in case of high winds.

PATIO AND LAWN FURNITURE: Residents shall maintain outdoor furniture in a safe and attractive condition.

Fold-down furniture is to be stored when not in use. Decks, patios, and balconies may not be used for storage of any items except for patio furniture and grills, nor may they be kept in an unsightly manner, the determination of which shall be the sole prerogative of Management. Grills must be moved at least 15’ (feet) away from the structure when in use.

FENCES: All fences must have the written approval from management. At no time will chicken wire be allowed for fencing purposes. Fencing material must be in compliance with the mobile home park, all residents must use like material.

SIGNS: No signs other than an approved “home for sale” sign shall be permitted on the home site without written permission from management.

TRASH REMOVAL: Trash bags or containers are not to be left outside  the home  unless they can be placed within a  shed or garage. Trash is removed from the community on designated days. Residents are responsible for placing their trash at the proper pdumpster. Residents are responsible for arranging for removal of large bulky and heavy items at there own expense, this includes but not limited to mattresses, sofas, and appliances. In the event Management must remove Resident’s trash of any kind, Management reserves the right to charge the resident additional fee for such removal. If trash containers are supplied by a trash service, then the containers must be kept within a shed or garage or completely out of  sight with the sole exception being the day the trash service is to collect the trash.

CONNECTION TO METERED WATER, SEWER, GAS AND ELECTRIC LINES OR PIPES: Community management provides each manufactured home with connections to water, sewer, and electric lines or pipes. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain in good repair all such pipes or lines inside the manufactured home and all such lines and pipes outside the home up to the point of connection with the community facilities. Community management is  responsible for and maintains all utility pipes and lines from the street leading up to the connection points on the lot.

Resident is  responsible for and will maintain all electric lines from the meter box to the home, the sewer cleanout pipe  to the home, and all water lines from the water meter to the home. Community management is not responsible for stopped up sewage lines from the home to the main sewer line. Residents are responsible for toilets that do not flush properly. It is prohibited to dispose of food, grease, sanitary products, diapers, wipes, and paper towels into any toilet, bathtub, or sink.

WATER LEAKS: It is the responsibility of the residents to immediately report to management any signs of water leaks such as pooling water, cracked lines, or ill fitting hoses or connections. At such time a determination will be made as to who is responsible for the repairs. Management is only responsible for maintaining water lines from the main water line to the sub-meter. Residents are responsible for all leaks from the sub-meter to their homes. If the resident is deemed responsible, then 24 hours will be given to fix the problem to management’s satisfaction. Resident are required to check their plumbing  on a regular basis for leaks, drips, and keep all plumbing and/or fixtures properly maintained at all times. The presence of a leak does not excuse residents from paying for water consumption. Consumption charges will only be removed from resident's account if they are deemed to be the responsibility of management as determined by management.

VEHICLES: Parking is allowed only in designated areas. Parking in the front or back yard within one’s own lot is strictly prohibited as well as on street parking. Parking vehicles is not allowed on vacant sites, fire lanes, lawns or patios. Residents shall not double park on any space. Resident shall not use visitor-parking spaces for personal use. Only two vehicles per mobile home are allowed inside the community.

All vehicles are to be with an adequate and functioning muffler. The operation of vehicles not properly muffled or with malfunctioning mufflers within the community is prohibited.

Routine maintenance or repairs on vehicles may be carried out at the site, i.e., change spark plugs, replace fan belts, or repair a flat tire. Other repairs or maintenance projects such as replacing an exhaust system, oil change or rebuilding an engine is not permitted.  Any vehicle  dripping oil or gasoline  must be  repaired immediately.  Resident must clean up these spills or Management will do so and charge the resident.

No commercial vehicles or vehicles with a load capacity in excess of one ton shall be kept, stored, or placed within the community.

All vehicles operating within the community must abide by the posted (M.P.H.) speed limit and all traffic signs. This rule applies to all residents and their guests, and is enforced 24 hours a day. Anyone found violating it will be given notice to vacate.

If fire hydrants are within the community, vehicle parking is prohibited within ten (10) feet of any hydrant.

As permitted by law, Management reserves the right to remove vehicles parked in violation of these rules and regulations and further reserves the right to remove inoperable vehicles or vehicles without current license plates and/or stickers. Resident shall pay all cost incurred thereto.

All vehicles must be current on all state tags, inspections and decals.

MOTORCYCLES: Motorcycles are allowed to operate only for transportation in and out of the community Joy riding within the community is not allowed. Motorcycles are to be parked in Residents assigned parking space or may be stored in Residents shed. Parking elsewhere is prohibited.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: The operation of trail bikes, mini-bikes, snowmobiles, off road vehicles, all terrain vehicles and other vehicles of this nature is not allowed within the community. Such vehicles may only be stored at the Resident’s home site if such vehicle can be stored within a shed or garage. Transportation to and from the home site is  to be by trailer only. The storage of boats, campers, jet skis, motor homes and other forms of recreational vehicles upon the home sited or in the street are strictly prohibited. No person may sleep or live in any type of recreational vehicle. No form of recreational vehicle may be attached to any utility connection. Recreational vehicle may be loaded/unloaded in your driveway, no longer than overnight.

CONDUCT: All state, county and local laws and ordinances shall be obeyed and no act shall be committed which would constitute a violation of any of these laws or ordinances, or place management in violation of same. Loud noises, loud   music, swearing or any other objectionable or disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated at any time in this community. Any residents, occupants, or guests causing a disturbance against the welfare of the community shall be given notice to move  and will forfeit their deposit. The firing of any kind of firearm or the use of any weapon, of any nature, is specifically prohibited and is grounds for immediate eviction of the  home  and homeowner (resident) from the  community.  For the safety of all residents, no fireworks or firecrackers of any type are to be used or set off on community premises at any   time.

Anyone living in the home of a resident who is charged and convicted for the use, sale or distribution of any controlled substances (drugs) or drug paraphernalia will be grounds for the immediate eviction of the home and homeowner (resident) from the community. When a breach of resident’s obligation under this rental agreement involves or constitutes a criminal   or willful act which is not remediable and which poses a threat to the health, welfare or safety of the community and/or it’s residents, landlord may terminate rental agreement immediately and proceed to obtain possession.

All facilities in this community are for the entertainment and comfort of the residents. It is expected that necessary care for the grounds and equipment will be taken. Anyone found violating this rule by defacing, impairing, damaging, injuring, or participating in the willful destruction of either community or resident property, will be asked to terminate his/her lease, and will be responsible for the damage. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their occupants and guests. Management may terminate the lease in the event of misconduct or objectionable conduct on the part of Residents, occupants, or guests.

QUIET TIME: There is quiet time of 10:00 p.m. Those must be off the streets and indoors by the time set forth. The hours for recreational areas within the community are 8:00 a.m. until dusk (playgrounds/basketball/etc.) NO UNUSUAL OR DISTURBING NOISES WILL BE PERMITTED, AT ANY TIME.

HUNTING: Hunting is not allowed in the community. The preparation of animal carcasses (skinning, gutting, tanning, etc.) is not allowed in the community premises. For the health and safety of all residents, no animal remains are allowed to be set out on the street for garbage pick up.

RECREATIONAL AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: Management allows Residents the opportunity to provide a small pool (maximum 6’ (feet) wide x 12” (inches) deep (tip and flip policy) and a sandbox (not to exceed 4’ (foot) x 4’ (foot) at the home site. However, placement of these items is to be on a patio/cement area in order to protect the lawn.

Swing sets are not allowed. Management may provide playground equipment for the Residents within the community. No basketball systems allowed. No trampolines allowed.

PERSONAL AND FIRE SAFETY: Management in concerned with you and your family’s well being. Our rules and regulations are the means of providing a happy and safe living environment. Adherence to the following guidelines is very important:

All residents are advised to exercise proper care and safety to ensure against accidents occurring in and around the home, home site and surrounding community. Please note that you are responsible for the actions of your occupants and guests as provided by law.

Please take extra care when around any body of water (ponds, creeks, reservoirs, and wooded areas, etc.) within the community.

All homes are to be kept free from fire hazards. For your own safety, do not store combustible materials; gas-powered lawn mowers or gas containers, etc., under your home. At no time will open air fire be permitted within the community. For all practical purposes, any outdoor burning will not be  allowed, including campfires, burning of leaves, limbs  or debris to include burning within drums or containers.

It is the responsibility of the Resident to monitor radio and/or television for severe weather warnings. There are no government-approved shelters within the community.

Traffic signs of all types must be obeyed.

Actions, which interfere with the health, safety or welfare of the community, its employees or Residents, are just cause for termination of tenancy.
Residents should furnish Management with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of a person to notify in case of an emergency.
Resident must have electric supplied to home at all times, if utility company disconnects your service you must leave your home until power has been restored, unless electric has been turned off due to weather issues.

LOSS AND LIABILITY: It is recommended that each manufactured home owner procure a manufactured home comprehensive form of insurance policy insuring their home against loss or damage. It is also recommended that Residents include liability coverage for personal injuries, which occur on the home site or within the manufactured home.

DISCLAIMER: Management disclaims responsibility for accidents or injuries to Residents, their occupants or guests, which may occur within this community. Furthermore, damage or lost property resulting from fire, theft, wind, trees and branches, floods and other acts of God which is beyond the control of Management is also specifically disclaimed.

PETS: Due to insurance restrictions, no pets are allowed in the park. No part of this Paragraph shall mean or be construed to apply to service animals, as defined by law. At no time will livestock be permitted in the Community.

ADVERTISING, SOLICITING AND COMMERICAL BUSINESS: Advertising, soliciting or the delivering of handbills is not permitted. Management reserves the right to communicate with Residents through distribution of written materials from time to time. No commercial enterprise or business that violates any local, county or state zoning ordinances may be conducted in this community.

KEYS: In the event that Management provides keys to Residents, for any reason, a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) charge will be assessed for each and every lost key. Lock replacement plus key charge is a fifty dollar ($50.00) charge. (Subject to change without notice.)

MAILBOXES: In the event that Management provides mailbox, resident will be responsible for the upkeep of the mailbox. If mailbox is damaged due to negligence a fee will be imposed for all necessary repairs.

FIREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES: There will be absolutely no BB guns, air guns, firearms, fireworks or similar devices discharges within the confines of the community.

GARAGE SALES: Garage Sales are permitted with management approval, restrictions apply. A temporary sign no larger than 18” x 12” is permitted in your yard, but do not place a sign at the entrance of the community or on any common area.

TRAFFIC SIGNS: Residents are required to comply with posted traffic signs within the Community.

BANNED: Anyone evicted from the mobile home park is forever banned from entering the mobile home park for any reason whatsoever. The sheriff’s department will be called to enforce this rule.



REV 04-19-23

Rental Application

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